Carmel Student Paper Focuses Entire Issue on Environment

The following story was published on Indiana Environmental Reporter on Aug. 1, 2022.

As we approached the end of the school year, the HiLite staff wanted to explore nontraditional ways to tell journalistic stories. Inspired by other high school newspapers, we decided to develop a themed issue, focused specifically on one subject. Practically unanimously, we agreed upon our theme: the environment. 

Design by Grace Guo, courtesy of HiLite

When developing the issue, we decided to write stories about the environment while maintaining traditional news sections. This allowed us to develop unique stories that explored aspects of climate change and environmentalism that weren't typically touched upon. Explore the many stories below.

1. Tiny House, Big Help

See components of tiny house, environmental aspects, benefits

2. Fair Game

Hunting should be recognized as human right for indigenous, tribal people

3. Heinous Hunting

Large scale hunting is threat to ecosystems, should be regulated

4. All an Act

Performative activism unconstructive, prevents progress in climate movement

5. Free Food Fallacy

Dietary criteria in school lunches should be updated to students’ needs

6. Plant a Garden

Student, CCPL librarian, Master Gardener of Hamilton County discuss free seed program at the CCPL Seed Library

7. Stayin' Alive

AP Biology students, teacher, discuss self-sustaining ecosystem project

8. Handmade

Students craft clothes for sustainability, against fast fashion

9. Racing With Fashion

People should stop supporting fast-fashion companies with negative environmental impact, start supporting small businesses

10. Public Life

As public figures become more prominent in student’s lives, we should review their impact on environmentalism

11. Everyday Environmentalists

In environmentally cautious efforts, students increasingly use sustainable alternatives rather than single-use plastics, trash

12. Green Thumb

Students, teacher enjoy benefits of gardening

13. GAC to the Future

Members of Green Action Club address ever-changing environment, climate change

14. Shift to Thrifts

Students, teacher consider environmental implications of thrifting

15. Suburban Sprawl

Students, city officials discuss effects of suburban expansion on environment

16. Waste Not

Student, staff discuss implications, solutions to school food waste

17. Pinky Promise

Students call for implementation of Carmel’s Climate Action Plan

18. Creation Care

Students, activist are inspired by religion to improve environment, engage in activism

19. Out of Steam

Sports investigate impacts of sport racing on environment

20. Too Hot to Handle

Athletes discuss their concern of extreme heat during their seasons

21. Shoe Shrine

Q&A with junior Brandon Trinh on shoe collection, collecting refurbished shoes

For the “issuu” version of this package go here.


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